Hi There!

Hello and welcome to the first official Blog Post of the Historic Mills Photography Workshops!

The idea for mill workshops came about through a love for shooting these historic old buildings and our love for Photography. They have become a reality through the support, encouragement and cooperation of our community partners.  Our goal is to help photographers at all levels expand their creative vision in interesting locations and walk away with a greater appreciation for history held in the walls of these magnificent structures.

So what will you find on this little Blog?

  • Updates on pending workshops
  • Announcements of future workshops
  • Historical facts and images of the mills themselves from Steven’s and my archives
  • News from/about our sponsors (big news coming later this week)
  • Guest blog posts
  • Seriously whimsical musings from Steven, the master of sarcasm

Be sure to like us on Facebook. Twitter and Google Plus are coming this week.

If you have any questions about the workshops do not hesitate to email info@historicmillsphoto.com.


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